Joep Lijnen
/jˈup lɛɪ̯nɛn/

Breda, Netherlands
9null931252null4 6 13+
April 1, 1985, Breda
Software Engineer / Lecturer

Software Engineer

I am an experienced software engineer with a passion for complexity and challenges. I take joy in solving problems which others do not see, ignore, or believe to be unsolvable; I like pushing the envelope.

I have 12 years of professional development experience, most of which in C#. In the past few years I have taken to modern C++ and leveraged my skills to help develop and optimize complex algorithms with PhDs in a research project; An English speaking, academic environment.

I enjoy working with people from different, international, backgrounds and have done so in the GIS, Education and Administrative Software fields.

At the start of my career, I thought would be happiest sequestered away from people behind a computer, however I find that I revel in discussing theory and solutions just as much as programming.

Starting in 2019, I taught computer science at Avans Hogeschool in Breda, where I myself graduated in 2008. This has given me valuable experience and insight as a educator, mentor and communicator.

I am ready to dive back into software engineering!

Professional Skills
Programming Languages
Development Tools / libraries / Misc
Relevant Education 1998-2008
Avans Hogeschool, Breda
B.Sc. Computer Science

(Technical) Computer Science

Markenhage, Breda
(pre-science / Gymnasium)

Economics&Society profile

Innovationlab/Högskolan i Borås, Sweden

I worked in a small company within the högskolan with a classmate to code C# webparts with a SQL backend.

Performance under Pressure
I gave an online lecture via Twitch less than 12 hours after hearing all physical the next day classes were cancelled in response to covid-19. (I did so my own initiative, prior to official measures. I prepared for a hybrid-approach, anticipating that some students would remain home.) My ability to put things in perspective and to remain clear-headed generally allow me to shape stressful situations into favorable outcomes.
Working Experience 2008 through 2020
Avans Hogeschool
Technische Informatica

I taught various computer science classes; databases, Java, C++, design patterns, Android. This was a very challenging position, aside teaching a classroom with up to 60 students, I also had to design lessons, exams, grade, mentor and get acquainted with technologies not yet familiar to me, such as Android.

Software Engineer

At CycloMedia I worked with the hosting/backend development team where I leveraged my skills to get high performance solutions working in the Azure cloud. I also dove into the GIS domain and succesfully tackled problems my colleagues had been avoiding for years.

Universiteit Twente, ITC - EOS
Department of Earth Observation Science
Software Engineer

As a Software Engineer I worked with two PhD candidates within a research project regarding the improvement of mobile mapping positioning quality I ensured the Matlab code was properly translated into modern C++. During this translation, I also performed optimizations in the algorithm where possible and even helped develop algorithms to the extent that I was made honorary co-author on a publication.

previous employments
Software Engineer/ Developer

I fullfilled various positions where I worked predominantly in C# and sometimes JavaScript to realise various administrative software. I worked with Scrum a lot, and took various courses on topics ranging from C#, SQL to unit testing and object oriented programming. I grew from an aspiring young programmer to a strong C# developer with a penchant for performance and databases.

Joep as a person

I enjoy learning new languages; for example, in 2017, I took a beginner's course in Arabic.

In the evening, I enjoy watching movies or playing PC games, or programming to solve hobby projects; such as a doxygen-based UML generator or tools for games.

I also enjoy traveling,roadtrips in particular. In 2019 I drove to several friends and former colleagues in Germany, Austria.I also took a roadtrip with my former driving instructor; now a treasured friend, in his country of birth, Morroco.

I'm moving to Norway, because my dedication to freedom and democracy is increasingly incompatible with the evolving Dutch (and EU) policy making.

Work I'm particularly proud of

A pointcloud result
from a trifocal tensor


Tile generated for ground lidar to
aerial image mapping@ITC


Cloud maps-tiling architecture

ClassDiagram Attribute Attribute - Type : string - Public : bool + OutputSelf() : override StringBuilder Node Node - IsInterface : bool + OutputRelations() : StringBuilder Attribute->Node Attributes UMLEntity UMLEntity - Name : string + ToString() : override string + OutputSelf() : abstract StringBuilder Attribute->UMLEntity Attribute->UMLEntity Bitmap Bitmap ClassNode ClassNode + ClassNode() : ClassNode->Node ClassNode->Node ClassUsage ClassUsage Usage< ClassNode > Usage< ClassNode > ClassUsage->Usage< ClassNode > Extensions Extensions + Escape() : string + Safe() : string + NoNameSpaces() : string + WithoutGuid() : string FileDotEngine FileDotEngine + Run() : void InterfaceNode InterfaceNode + InterfaceNode() : InterfaceNode->Node InterfaceNode->Node InterfaceUsage InterfaceUsage Usage< InterfaceNode > Usage< InterfaceNode > InterfaceUsage->Usage< InterfaceNode > Method Method - Public : bool - Type : string + OutputSelf() : override StringBuilder Method->Node Methods Method->UMLEntity Method->UMLEntity Package Package - Name : string + Package() : + OutputSelf() : override StringBuilder Node->Package Nodes Node->UMLEntity Node->UMLEntity Package->Node Package Package->Package Packages Package->UMLEntity Program Program - Main() : void - ParseDoxygenStructure() : List< UMLEntity > Program->FileDotEngine Program->Node Program->UMLEntity Usage Usage - Compound : bool - node : T - Relevant : bool - Public : bool - DeclaredName : string - TypeName : string? - Resolved : bool - _typeName : string Usage->Node Inherits Usage->Node Uses

Doxygen/XML/C# based UML-Class-Diagram-Generator

Avans Github link